The ramblings of a rooster collecting, cowboy lovin', country girl with a little renovating and crafting thrown in too!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Where have I been??!!

Soooo long since I have posted! And this will be short and sweet. I have been working 12 hours a day and 6-7 days a week,plus decorating,cleaning and all the usual everyday household things. I hope to get some pics in the next few days to share with all of you and to finish the decorating! I might even eventually get the presents wrapped. Hope everyone is not as rushed as I am and is enjoying the winter weather.


1 comment:

  1. I have been busy here at least it seems that way. I have tried doing a little here and there. Will be so glad after Friday to have a little time off from school.

    Don't work too hard sis. Try to stop and enjoy things too!

