The ramblings of a rooster collecting, cowboy lovin', country girl with a little renovating and crafting thrown in too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Under construction...AGAIN!!

I have been waiting for awhile for this project and it is FINALLY started! Hubby and I are painting my cupboards black and getting rid of the nasty pink and blue checked wallpaper in the kitchen! We first decided to do the short row of cupboards on the opposite side to see how long it was going to take so everything got wrapped in plastic and we started sanding. We quickly realised there wasnt much varnish to sand off at all so after making him wrap everything I decided lets just get all the sanding mess over with in one day.

Below you see some of the cupboard doors we had painted on the weekend and that lovely wall paper(not) again! And this is where I made him take the plastic down and do all at once. We emptied most of the food and dishes out so my livingroom and diningroom are full of boxes of food and dishes! We took all the doors off and numbered them and the cupboards. They will be sanded outside. There were 27 doors in all! I am happy to say everything got sanded yesterday that had to be done inside. We wiped everything down and cleaned the whole kitchen and now we can paint! Im very excited! It wont be finished completely for awhile yet as I need to buy the wall paper and strip off what is there but the cupboards alone will be a big improvement! What a mess it was in the mean time!!I will post pics of my finished livingroom as soon as all the kitchen dishes and such are out of there!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had my mom and brother come down Saturday and stay over night. My sister joined us Sunday for a nice ham dinner. Was nice to have all of us together. Have a great week everyone...I know what I will be doing!!


  1. Wow, that is a big project, can't wait to see pictures of it all finished.

  2. Wow - a huge project! It will be exciting to see the finished pictures!

  3. Wow, that is a major construction zone there! I can't wait to see it all finished, I bet it will be worth all the work;)

  4. Wow! just wow! Awesome task. You are very brave. your husband is very cooperative. mine would say that our best work is calling someone who does it professionally. lol
    seriously, it is going to be amazing. Will love to see finished pics!

  5. Can't wait to see more pictures when your kitchen is all finished! We've been working on our kitchen cabinets too. It sure is a lot of work.

  6. Wow..what a project..can't wait to see the after photos

  7. its gonna be beautiful.. can't wait to see!
