The ramblings of a rooster collecting, cowboy lovin', country girl with a little renovating and crafting thrown in too!
Friday, July 30, 2010
100 followers giveaway !
Nope not me this time....check out Gen's Blog, Olde Pear Primitives ! When she gets to 100 followers she is going to have a giveaway. Gen is very talented as you can see and she says she just started sewing but look at the witch she made! WOW! Gen is also a member of Prim Pals forum with me and we just love her. Good luck on getting to 100 followers!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Crow Pie
Ever have to eat crow pie? hehe! Remember the song....Four and Twenty Blackbirds baked in a pie? Well my post is themed on that today! While my brother was resting in the hospital I took a break one day and visited a prim shop in the area. I found a table cloth someone had stitched with 20 blackbirds around the edge and 4 in the center. It was all coffee stained(and not ironed as you can see) The first pic is the center of the table cloth.
This is a pic of the edge stitched with the birds.....
The next pic is of a Crow Pie I bought at simply Primitive in fav little shop that had the fire. A bit of a freaky story with this. I had looked at it for awhile and couldnt decide to buy it cause it was a little pricey for me. The DAY of the fire...all day I was thinking I had to go get it so I did. That night the place caught fire and everything that was fabric was ruined! Weird!! Kinda scared me! But I do love the pie!
This isnt a good pic but thats it sitting on my tablecloth I bought! I just love it and I think they were meant to go together.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I know I promised finished fence and yard pics...I will get to them soon. Has taken me a couple days to get things back in order from being gone. My brother continues to improve...we can only hope and pray.
Thanks again.

Thanks again.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
And another update....
The ventilator has come out! My Brother called my mom this morning from the hospital to tell her he was off the ventilator. It is a glorious day and a wonderful thing to hear when less than 2 weeks ago they told us at most he would live an hour without it. Thank you all for your the long road to recovery depends alot on him and his choices. I pray he makes healthier ones this time!
...and off to work. I have missed so much work being with my brother but no job is as important as family. He is doing better....the ventilator may come out today or tomorrow. They have been doing tests with it set to a function where he has to do the breathing on his own. He is awake and can use a paper and pencil to talk to us because he cant speak with the tube in his throat. Sadly he remembers nothing....some of you may think its cruel to wish he remembered but I figure if he did he might not drink or smoke anymore or take too much tylenol for pain! His liver is slowly repairing and will function to a certain extent. We will see how long this lasts....I dont hold out much hope but I do pray for the best. His life is in his own hands but hopefully with the help of all our prayers he will make better decisions.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! Soon I will get the pics of the finished fence project posted!
Thank you all for your prayers and support! Soon I will get the pics of the finished fence project posted!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thats me....missing in action. A quick update. As many of you know I have a younger brother who hasnt lead the healthiest life. Well that life is in real danger right now. He has been in ICU with Liver failure since thursday night. He has developed pneumonia and also has ecoli(who knows how that happened). Monday we had to make the decision to put him on a ventilator. Even though we knew he did not want life support after talking to the doctor we chose to do it on a day to day basis. He told us his liver had started to repair slightly but because of the pneumonia he wouldnt live a day without the ventilator. To date his liver is still improving slightly and the pneumonia has a bit as well. We will leave it another 24-48 hours and reassess. It was by far the hardest decision my mom and sister and I have ever had to make. But given even a 20% chance like they gave him I would hope someone would fight for my life too. regardless of his bad habits and life choices he is still my baby brother and I love him. Im just not ready to let him go yet. All prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A fire sale!
Less than a week ago my favorite Prim shop caught fire. Simply Primitive in Truro Nova Scotia has been closed since last friday night when the fire took place. Today I got a message on my facebook saying that as they were bringing things out to try and salvage what they could people were asking to buy items. Sooooo...they decided to have a fire sale. The pic below is them outside the building with big tubs of water scrubbing everything. It is a scorching 88 degrees here today and as the word got around on facebook loyal customers like me showed up for a bargain!
That being said I didnt just go for a bargain...these girls have become friends and I know they depend on their income just like the rest of us. I figure if I can help out by shopping...why not?? The faster they get up and running....the better for all of us!This is what I came home with....OOHHHH the Treenware!!! Three bowls and a scoop and 1/2 price too! I also got a basket and candles and a wrought iron towel holder that is going to look awesome in my bathroom! A rusty moon and some stars and well you see it all! Im loving everything!
They lost anything that was fabric(dolls,etc) and anything closer to the fire. Im just thrilled to death with the treenware alone. Good luck girls getting back up and running!
My week has been crazy busy....I am hosting a family/graduation party for my son on Saturday this week. 50-60 people and the forcast is rain!! Pray for me that it wont. I have a big house but the heat would do me in with everyone inside! I have been cleaning and cooking and crafting and preparing things. The fence is complete except for a of that to come later. The yard is looking awesome and I am so pleased! I hope to post again soon. Hugs to you all! Have a great week.

My week has been crazy busy....I am hosting a family/graduation party for my son on Saturday this week. 50-60 people and the forcast is rain!! Pray for me that it wont. I have a big house but the heat would do me in with everyone inside! I have been cleaning and cooking and crafting and preparing things. The fence is complete except for a of that to come later. The yard is looking awesome and I am so pleased! I hope to post again soon. Hugs to you all! Have a great week.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
This was my cute little cowboy when he was about 3 years old.... gotta love a cowboy!!
And here he is wearing a different hat this week at 18 years old and graduating high school. I just dont know where that 15 years has gone.... I cant believe he is all grown up!
This is one of me and Aidan before Graduation. Not a great pic of me....but at least I have one of the two of us!
And my three boys! Pearse is the one smiling...Chance isnt looking impressed cause he is being held still! He is sooo hyper!
And last but not least Harley and Aidan. Aidan is the only one who can pick him up and hold him like that.
So thats my boy....all graduated and working a full time job in tourism visitor information for the summer. Then in September he is off to university. I sure hope I taught him all the life lessons he will need to make it on his own! Love you buddy and Im so proud of you!

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