Where the Rooster Crows
The ramblings of a rooster collecting, cowboy lovin', country girl with a little renovating and crafting thrown in too!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Two More Sleeps!
Its almost moving day! I am going crazy trying to organize and pack.....this is hard when I can only take so much and I want to take everything! I hope you all have a great day. I will keep you posted on my great adventure. I dont want to let my blog lapse again and I can't wait to get settled and back to crafting!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I survived!
Just a quick note this morning to let you all know I survived the gall bladder surgery this past Monday. Actually it went well and I am amazed how easy it was. I am stiff and sore and not doing a whole lot but otherwise I feel great. I have dropped 3 pounds already and hope it keeps going.
The rest of my week will be packing and organizing for my big move. I am headed to Western Canada(in case I didnt mention it) to work. Its gonna be cold!! Oh well life goes on and I need to move on. Hope everything is well with you all and I am vowing to keep this blog up to date so here is hoping I stick to it! I cant wait to get back to crafting and decorating my own place again!
The rest of my week will be packing and organizing for my big move. I am headed to Western Canada(in case I didnt mention it) to work. Its gonna be cold!! Oh well life goes on and I need to move on. Hope everything is well with you all and I am vowing to keep this blog up to date so here is hoping I stick to it! I cant wait to get back to crafting and decorating my own place again!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Somehow the last part of 2011 got away from me. There have been many changes in my life and more to come. I do miss blogging and maybe thats what I need to keep me sane right now.... a little blogging therapy! I wont over load you with details but I will share some good and maybe a few bad lol! This is a picture of Aidan and I taken this past Christmas. He is going to university on Price Edward Island this year and doing well. He just turned 20 and I cannot believe I no longer have a teenager! I am still struggling with my weight but I'm not giving up!

This a glimpse of my finished kitchen....I know I promised more but at least you can see the color I chose and how well it goes with the black cupboards. I am very pleased with how it turned out. Unfortunately I wont be living in the house by the end of the month because my husband and I are divorcing. Some of you will know its been a long time coming and trust me it is not a sad thing...except for leaving my house!! I am actually quite happy and relieved to be moving on.

This of course is my beloved Harley and I having a little snuggle on the bed. Again bittersweet as I will be leaving Harley and my other two fur babies here for now anyways. I think that has to be the hardest part.

So here I am back on my blog and filling you all full of info about my ongoing adventures. I am going to be moving to Northern Alberta and have left my job of the past 12 years to work in a camp on the tar sands oil project. Im excited and nervous...sad and happy all at the same time. I have never left Nova Scotia other than to visit so this is huge for me. Im sure there will be many more tears shed but ultimately the time to move on is now. I needed a new start and a good paying job to secure my future. And after all Alberta is Canada's cowboy country so hopefully the eye candy will be good! I may not be crafting quite as much in the near future....but that just means I get to buy more! So keep filling your blogs with goodies for me to see!! I hope to be a better blogger this year. And thanks to all of you who have hung around to see if I emerge....here I am! Back and hopefully stronger than ever!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Where does the time go????
I am a terrible bad blogger!!! I have been MIA for over a month....nearly 2!! Ok I promise to try and get back into the swing of things. Don't ask me what Im doing here tonight. I had the longest day ever. It was yard sale day in my town and we decided to set up in our yard and try and get rid of unwanted items. My husband woke me at 5:30am....it was still dark! I got up and made my signs and he started hauling things outside. By 7:15 am I had a lady there looking and it just went crazy from there. Yet Im still wound up so I sat down for some much needed computer browsing time. Its been a busy summer and I apologise for not posting much. Lots of changes in my life and lots to come. I will catch you all up soon. Thank you so much to all my beloved followers who are still hanging in with me! I have kitchen reno to share soon...those cupboards are finally complete. Fence is back up after last years hurricane and I am planning a craft open house for the Christmas selling season. Look out world here I come...LOL! Love you all and thanks again for being patient and remaining a follower of my blog even when I wasnt here!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Just a little help for a friend!
Ladies you all have to check out the items my Prim Sista Debbie has added to her etsy shop! Know anyone having a baby? Need a gift? And ohhh the gorgeous HAND quilted items! Go have a look....just awesome....keep up the great work Sis!
Goat Creek Mercantile
Goat Creek Mercantile
Friday, July 22, 2011
A great Blogger Friend and a winter swap!!
Ok Winter swap first!! Its so hot lets all cool off!!! Prim Pals forum is having a winter in August swap so if you are a member go on over there and sign up! All the basic rules apply and you know we always have fun!! Cant wait to see what everyone comes up with....you have until August 1st to join.
And now for my fun surprise.... hehe!
Now doesnt that sign just scream HOLLI????!! I was away working for 3 days in the miserable hot humid heat and when I came home this is what was in my mailbox! My dear sweet friend Angie from Just a lil raggedy blog sent me this and I love it. You all know I love my cowboys and this was just too cute! Its going to find a place in my office..hehe! Thanks again Angie!! Check out her blog she listed all kinds of goodies for sale!!

Prim Pals Forum,
Monday, July 11, 2011
A little Snuggle from a friend
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