The ramblings of a rooster collecting, cowboy lovin', country girl with a little renovating and crafting thrown in too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Eye candy!!

I suppose ya'll were expecting some Prim eye candy....nope cowboys!! Bull Riding kinda Eye Candy! Last Night the PBR made a stop in our town and I had VIP tickets. What a great time. This is me with Zane Lambert he was at the top of the Canadian standings going into the event. And here he is after bucking off his bull in the championship round....not a happy cowboy. This is Rocky MacDonald who is a Mexican bullriding Champion. He was so skinny....Im sure I am double his weight! Terrible pic of me....I think I was talking.
This is Tyler Thompson better known as TNT and he was a winner last night even though he ended up with a nice ole cut on his face and lotsa blood!
And of course nothing would be complete without some cowboy butts! Gotta love em!

I hope all you moms are having a Happy Mothers Day! I sure had a quiet peaceful one and that makes me happy! I promise Prim pics next time! Kitchen is looking good but still lots of work....update on that soon.


  1. Holli,

    Gotta love a man in chaps! TFS the cowboy butts....what nice ones they are too! LOL!


  2. Hi Holli: What fun going to the rodeo and seeing all those cute cowboys!! Also wanted to say Thank you for the PIF gifts....They are prim perfect! I posted them on my blog. yesterday...

  3. what a bunch of cuties but they sure are skinny lil buggers! looks like a good time was had though and gotta love the Mr taking pics for ya ! lol thanks for the rear view! enjoy your evening ! hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  4. Oh it sure looks like you had a blast!have a wonderful week sweetie!
    big hugs michelle

  5. Thanks for the eye candy~gotta love them cowboys!!

  6. You totally made my day!!! Obviously I do not get to meet Cowboys...ever and then to see all that lovely real life Yummyness!! I am soooo jealous. Thanks for that extra Butt

  7. Hi Holli.. Oh, I love rodeos too. Looks like you had a great time!


  8. You sure did have a good time, huh? Next time.... bring your sister instead of your hubby! lol Nice butt btw!

    Debbie K

  9. Whoa!!!!! More butts, please!
    Those are some cute cowboys.
    Does that make me a cougar? Or is it mountain lion to a cowboy?
    I don't care! I love 'em!
